
I have Iroquois and Cherokee ancestry am I eligible for any college funding.

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I am working on the genealogy to prove I have Indian family.




  1. If you are going to school here in Oklahoma, I think that there is special tribal funding available for American Indians.  

  2. Most of the scholarships I have found for Indians require you to prove that you are at least 1/8th.  Good luck with your genealogy.....

  3. It is not a persons ancestry or heritage that qualifies them for educational funding reserved for American Indians, it is their citizenship.  If you are a citizen/member of a US federally recognized tribe, you would qualify for funding from your tribe of enrollment assuming your tribe has funds reserved for higher education.  Outside of tribal funding there are nonprofit organizations and individual colleges and universities that offer funding to American Indians.  Again, you must be an enrolled tribal member/citizen in order to qualify for any of these opportunities.  

    There are thousands of enrolled tribal members/citizens vying for these educational funding opportunities.  Many of them come from reservations and native communites where they were born, raised and educated.  Some speak their native languages and practice their native traditions.  They plan to use their college educations to better their people and tribal communities.  Unless you are one of those described above, please don't usurp something that isn't meant for you.

  4. You need to be a member of a tribe. If you can prove your ancestry and are eligible to join your tribe, then you will qualify for all sorts of student aid.

    There is aid from your tribe, in many cases, although that's not often a lot. But many universities - especially some of the publics - give significant support.  

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