
I have Jury Duty again,,but I really do not have a good excuse?

by  |  earlier

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I know it is my civil duty,,I can't afford the time off work,, I don't have a car anymore, I gave mine away to my daughter to go to college. since my accident last year, it hurts to sit for more than 5 minutes.




  1. I had a friend who got jury duty, she explained the situation and they let her off of it.

  2. Sometimes, if you've served on jury duty once before over a period of time (a year or two), then they will let you go.  You should be truthful, though, in your situation.  Recently, a man was arrested because he said he was a racist and other things to get out of jury duty.  Please don't be this guy.

  3. Check the list of exemptions that came with the notification, you should be able to get out of it for hardship or your medical condition (might want to provide a doctor's note).

  4. Since the law is sooo corupted,  I just tell them that "me does no speeking any enlgish".

    Trust me, it works everytime.

  5. or you could just go like everyone else has to and if they choose you they choose if they dont they dont

  6. if you tell them you are in a lawsuit, you or your spouse was summoned to go into the military, you care for small children in the home, you have a medical problem like surgery, you care for someone who has a medical problem, if you tell them you are on probation or a convicted felon, not a resident of that county anymore, if you are self employed, you are a student or a school teacher,  those are ways of getting

    you out of it

  7. Get a note from your doctor saying that you were in an accident and can not sit for more than 5 minutes without pain.

    No one will want you on the jury.

  8. get a excuse from you dr aboutthe residual pain from the accident ...

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