
I have MAJOR cramps and i'm 24 weeks pregnate! ?

by Guest60900  |  earlier

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I am 24 weeks pregnate and i have horrible lower tummy pains! the dr said that they were uterine contractions and that it was no big deal, that was a week ago. I am in some major pain but I'm afraid that if i go to the hospital that they might induce pregnancy or do something to early. i know there dr.'s but i've heard horror stories. I'll stay in pain if it keeps my baby alive... what do i do......ouch!!!!!!!!!




  1. You should call your dr. if it is contractions, you might need meds to stop them since you are not that far along. They wont try to induce... they will try to stop it

  2. You need to go to the doctor.  They aren't going to induce you at this stage in pregnancy.  The baby would not have a good chance of surviving.  If it's that painful, you need to be checked out.  If it's just a slightly painful tightening of the tummy, that's Braxton Hicks contractions.  Those, while uncomfortable, are not going to change your cervix and are harmless.

  3. Sounds to me like you could be experiencing preterm labor and need to get your butt to the ER ASAP. They will not induce labor, they will give you medicine to stop it. I was put on Terbutaline for 3 weeks to stop contractions and I still had them even though I was on the meds but it did help slow them down. If you wait too long the contractions will cause you to dilate and then there will not be anything that the doctors can do. Please.. get off the computer and go to the hostpital.... better safe than sorry.

  4. Go to the hospital.

    They wont try and induce you.

    They will try and find what the problem is and fix it,

    They like to keep baby in there nice and safe fo as long as they can.

    Inducing you is the last thing they are gonna wanna do.

  5. You should go to the doctor/hospital, if you are having minor contractions they can give you something to stop them if the onset of labor hasn't gone to far.  You must think of your baby, this can put a lot of stress on your baby.  Please go to the hospital and get checked out.

  6. They can't induce before 37 wks unless there is a medical reason.  If you are having contractions they will give you medicine to stop the contractions to try to keep you pregnant longer.  

  7. You might be experiencing preterm labor.  You should go to the ER and let them know.  This early they should try to do everything they can to stop the contractions.  If you are having pain with your contractions I don't know why your doc would tell you that it was no big deal.  i would go to the ER.  Good luck.

  8. I would talk to your Ob. Inducing will be the last thing on their mind trust me. If they can stop you from delievering they will try that first. You want to make sure everything is okay though so they can do what they can to stop the pain! Better to be safe then to stay and pain and something be wrong! GOOD LUCK!

  9. You should go to the doctor there is absolutely NO way that they will induce labor this early, they will try everything to try and stop your labor, if you are in early labor you need to go so they can try and stop it and you will most likely be on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy, good luck.

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