
I have NO idea were to start. MED SCHOOL?

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So i want to become a sergeon but i have no idea what i need and what course i need or anything.?




  1. Get your undergraduate degree, preferably in a science, such as chemistry, biology, or biochemistry.-- 4 years

    Take the MCAT (med school entrance exam).

    Go to medical school. -- 4 years

    Residency. --Probably about 6 years, but it varies.

    If you think it's going to be like Grey's Anatomy, then you have no idea what you're getting into and better find another career. It is hard work , long hours, and little sleep. And that's IF you get into and get through medical school. If you're smart and focused, you can do it, but I'm just telling's not as easy as Dr. McDreamy makes it look!!

  2. Well, spelling it correctly (surgeon) would help.  You need a 4-year college degree first.  Major in anything you want, but take the pre-med course sequence (bio, chem, physics, math) and keep your GPA up (over 3.5).  Take the MCATs before you graduate from college, then apply to medical school.  That's where you specialize in surgery.  It's another 4 years, and then you have a 3-5 year residency and possibly fellowship as well if you want to specialize further before you get a job on your own.

  3. Lets take this in simple steps,

    1) Surgeon is spelled S U R G E O N, not sergeon

    2) You can really major in whatever you want, but you must complete pre-med courses in order to get into med school.

    3) After undergraduate, apply to a med school (after taking the MCATS, and if you get accepted, theres 4 years of that.

    4) After med school, you will do your residency, which can last 3 years  or more, up to 7 sometimes for surgery (depending on the type of field you want to get into)

    5) You can finally become a surgeon and work in a hospital, or wherever you choose to work.

  4. Watching too much Grey's Anatomy, eh?

    Well get ready for many years of college. Here's how it goes:

    Four years of pre-medical, which is taken at any college or university that offers it. Don't waste too much money on this college, save it all for going to an amazing graduate school, which I will tell you about next.

    Four years of graduate medical school, which is offered in higher universities. Think Harvard Medical.

    Two or three (I'm not sure) years of specialized studies, in which you will study to become a surgeon. I'm really not sure about how many years it is though, hopefully someone else can help you with this, but this is just a broad description.

    You're looking at finishing school when you're in your late twenties, basically. And it is very very competitive, so make sure you do well in high school and pre-med school!

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