
I have NO willpower, I have ordered a job lot of slimfast to start next week?

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has anyone succeeded on this. Ive tried it before, years ago and I think I only lasted a morning...




  1. You only lasted a morning? Why are you ordering a lot then? Why not just start out with a case? lol

  2. dude slim-fast gives me the runs.  

  3. If it worked there would be no bulky women wandering around the shopping malls would there? There are, so it can't work.


  4. Once you have it right in your head you'll get it right on your plate, and slim fast is not the way to go.

    Get Paul McKennas I can make you thin book and CD, and brain wash yourself into eating what you need, as opposed to what you want.   You'll never have to use slim fast or any other rip off diet suppliement again.  Good luck

  5. The key to weight loss is will power,

    However, here is an exercise to test your will power.

    Buy a packet of ready cooked hot chicken thighs from asda/tescos

    and rip every piece of chicken from the bone without eatting a single piece.

    This is very difficult to do, but be strong and succeed. If you do pass the test you have proved to yourself that you do have willpower.

    Forget the slimfast, nothings fast with dieting, it takes time and patience.

    Cut down on what your eatting, eat more fruit, and less cakes and biscuits.

    As a final tip, start drinking green tea,  okay, it might not taste nice but it is full of good heath goodies, and it is know for its weight loss properties, and it is in nearly every weight loss product.

    (Look  at the chinese who drink green tea,,,you hardly never sea a fat chinese person).

    Anyway, good luck with your dieting,


  6. Cancel your order!  Those type of diets don't work so save your money and buy healthy food at the grocery store-why drink a chemical  shake when you can have different salads and fruits and vegtables every day that are good for you and will help your metabolism, skin, and give you vitamins. When you feel like your going to cave have a few pieces of dark chocolate or some popcorn!  I'm not a health-nut but that's the only thing that works and exercise sorry!  

  7. I to have no will power and need a very regimented diet with not much room for error.   With slimfast you will crave REAL food so its a non starter really.  

    I have had very good luck with FL4I (Fat Loss For Idiots).  c**p name, but basically you eat lean protein, fresh vegetables and fruit and drink 10 small glasses of water a day and there is a vegetarian version.   Its a E-Book download from America and with the pound strong, its a good buy.  It really does work if you follow it to the letter, but then any diet will work if  you follow it correctly.  I suggest a eating plan you can adhere to faithfully.  Good luck  

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