
I have No idea what I'm going to do!?

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I have no clue what i want to do after high school..and Im a senior! What did you do to figure out how you wanted to spend the rest of you life?




  1. Oh, how did I figure it out?  Well, I knew I wanted to be a writer by the time I was 13.  I was always making up stories and characters.  I studied journalism, minoring in theater, in college, and more recently earned my MA in English-Creative Writing.  I'm not what you call a success, but I've had a series of interesting jobs, including radio monitor at ASCAP, telephone interviewer, camp specialist, and currently, writing tutor.

    Ask yourself:

    What do I like to do?

    What do I do in my spare time?

    If I had no fear of failure, what would I do with my life?

    What do other people say I'm good at?

    What subjects in school did I love?  What activities?

    Who are my heroes, and why?

    It could be you're not ready to choose the career path yet, but there must be some fields of interest you want to explore.  You might get a low-level job in a field you like, or take courses at the community college.

    You can also talk to a guidance counselor, family members, teachers, clergy, or friends.  You can also pray to God and ask him to guide you.

    Perhaps after high school you can "take a year off" and do something you always wanted to do, like ski or travel or help the poor or learn a new skill like photography.

    Whatever you do, good luck and God bless!

    Addendum: so you love the outdoors and animals.  Don't let the difficulty of getting a job in a field you love stop you; instead, have a back-up plan!  That way, if you don't become an AG teacher, maybe you can be a park ranger or zoo employee or farmhand.

    Why not take a year after high school and work in a forest or city park, or a farm, or veterinarian's office, or something that gets you outside talkin' to the animals?  Ask your guidance counselor for leads to jobs and schools.  Also look it up on the Internet.

  2. Okay, you don't have an idea & I don't either!


  3. Be an entepreneur and give me half of the money lol

  4. what type of person r u r u athletic or smart or scientific? it depends of wat ur personality is and all that stuff  and wat u like! i want to become a doctor so wat do u want to be

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