
I have P:E next week and school and...?

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I am embarrassed to get into my swimsuit...

What should i do...

is there anything that i could do to loose a little wait in 5 days?

Help please




  1. hey doing taebo helps alot! i did it for like a week(6day)and lost like 3 inches everywhere hips,stomach, arms,thighs! it worked for me and the results keep coming!hope this helps, but ultimately have confidence in your imperfections, and work on them! be yurself! rock wat u got!

  2. You could lose some weight fast but it's not good for you. Why not just go to class, get into your swimsuit, and swim off the weight?

    Explain to your classmates that you've been dying to get into the pool and start swimming because it's the best exercise and the easiest one for your joints, and then go for it! Swim your heart out, they will admire you.

  3. Everyone has to get into a swim suit.  If you got it flaunt it

  4. Everyone is probably thinking the same thing you are. They are all going to be too worried about the way they look to really notice others around them. But any type of cardio should help, you just have to be consistent.

  5. d**n,... i wish we had swimming in our school..just wear a shirt

  6. Do a lot of crunches and push ups. trust me 5 days non- stop of that will make you look good. i dont mean non-stop like 24-7 i just mean like one hour each day. oh and maybe skip lunch.. not dinner though...make sure always to eat dinner.  

  7. i'm not sure if you can lose a lot of weight in 5 days- even if you do, it'll be quite bad for you. i suggest that you count your calories- regulate what you eat. aim for about 1200 calories a day, but never skip meals, and don't eat after 7pm.

    exercise- probably aim for about 30-40mins of cardio exercises such as running. try weights, and ab workouts- crunches especially.

    i'm sure you wouldn't look that bad in a swimsuit - dont worry, i dont think nobody would laugh. if so, they're immature. they'll understand. for long-term weight loss take advantage of these swimming lessons- swim the weight off!

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