
I have PROVEN the existance of God! no lie.?

by Guest61886  |  earlier

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ok so for once i was actually paying attention in science class surprisingly when i then learned what the law of conservation of matter or one of those law things well anyways it says matter cannot be created nor destroyed. my point is how could matter have been created if it cant be created hmmm only one thing could ever pull off something tricky like that so it had to have been God. this proves the existance of god




  1. then where did god come from?

  2. but if god left this evidence as proof of his existence than what would be the point of faith?

    god left every thing in reality a way to be explained by science if not than it would be obvious that he existed and than there would be no point to faith..

    i believe god exists just not that you proved it with the first law of physics.

  3. First cause by definition is uncaused, energy might as well be the first ultimate cause. In order for your argument to stand, you first have to prove that energy is not eternal.

    Your so-called "proof" do not directly support the existence of god as well. You are asserting supernatural phenomena just because you do not understand what you are talking about, or maybe you are ignoring your "inner self" because of your dogma.

  4. Congrats,

    I'm sure God is relieved.

  5. Cool! Now WHAT are You going to DO with this "Proof" ? It's ONE thing to figure something out... -And quite ANOTHER, to "apply it" & make the World a better Place...  :)

  6. So who created this clever God? An even cleverer God? Maybe it's Gods all the way down.

  7. lol in ur mind u have answered ur own question

  8. first of all, i do believe in G-d....but i know that there is no way to prove his existence, it is just a matter of faith.

    take this for a counter-argument --- if matter can neither be created nor destroyed, then it must have existed forever. it is not necessary for something to have been "before" matter existed or to actually create matter. it could have just been there all along.

  9. God is just an imaginary being created by religious group to control people.

    If what you said is proof, it would have been in the Bible.

  10. is this even a question??

  11. Really terrific insight ! Thanks!

    I'm surprised by the other answerers.

  12. Your case for proof is no more an argument than a case of bad (preposterous, even!) logic.

    You are merely smuggling the concept of an "almighty, all loving, anthropomorphic (human), emotional, individualized (personal jesus), biblical", god using a scanty observation that is riddled in bad reasoning.

    I'm not in the mood to do to much typing, but I will end with:

    Your "reasoning" for god is quite typical in the historic sense of the human course. That is, if you do not understand something, therefore it must be the creation of god.

    You "proof" is fail.


  13. I will certainly give this one all of the thought that it deserves.


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