
I have Political Asylum can I still travel back to my country?

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I came to the United States three years ago from Colombia and received politcal asylum because my father was in the military and he and my family started receiving death threats from FARC. Now i received permnent residency i have a green card can i visit family back in colombia with no consequence from the united states such as being denied re-entry?




  1. Your political asylum application was a farce from the beginning, wasn't it?  As soon as you get a green card, you go running back to Columbia.  You weren't in the military, it was not your life that was threatened.  Go back to Columbia and stay there.

  2. Doing so would cause your asylum status to be questioned, possibly resulting in deportation.

  3. As long as you have your green card and a valid passport, yes you can go back to Columbia and come back. You wouldn't be able to do it if you were still in aslyee status, but as a green card holder, you have same right to travel as any other green card holder.

  4. According to the US government website, by very definition you are:

    An asylee:  A person who CANNOT return to his home country because of a well-founded fear of persecution.

    I'd check with someone about your ability to travel back to Colombia since the entire immigration reason was that you could NOT be in Colombia.

  5. You can, but why would you want to if you came here fleeing death threats?  You can just as easily bring family here.

  6. You escaped certain death in your country to live free in the US, and no you want to go back?

    I would assume you can go back, but the fact that you would even want to suggests there is a problem

  7. you probably won't be denied re-entry but your a** is definitely on the line in Colombia.  the bad guys are still out in full force and the word would get out that you're back.

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