
I have Pop then Pain in my right Hip Flexor/Groin area when starting to accelerate, Plse Help with diagnosis?

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I am 6'2" 215lbs and have what would be considered "Flat feet" ( I do not use Orthodics, never have). I have had MRI’s (arthrogram/Regular), x-rays, physical therapy, etc and nothing has worked and no one seems to know anything. Here are the details, if I rotate my hip out and in a circular motion I will get a click or crunch sound deep in my hip. When I am running, at the onset of hard acceleration my hip flexor or groin area will pop or snap, causing pain deep inside and basically stop me from accelerating. This will happen every time I accelerate hard. I would say the area of pain is located about 4-5 inches down and an inch and a half inwards from the front point of my hip that you can feel (4-5 inches to the right of bellybutton and an inch or so down) on my right right leg. It seems to happen less when I keep my abs flexed real hard and if I warm up and stretch for 20-30 minutes before this accelerating, but it still happens either way. I also experience deep pain in that area when performing the butterfly stretch. Its not the normal stretch type of pain.

I am wondering if I had some injurt that led to this? Someone mentioned an inguinal hernia before? How do you find out if you have one? I am I play a lot of sports and I can not play as hard or as aggressive bc of this injury. Any help would be appreciated.




  1. dont start to accelerate  

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