
I have RAC 30 & have booked my ticket frm internet.will i able to sit in d train if my ticket is nt confirmed.

by  |  earlier

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its a night train and am very confused abt my train..




  1. no .. they might make you sit outside of the train.. silly..

  2. 'RAC' means Reservation Against Cancellation. To quote directly from the official information:

    "where you have requested a reservation for a berth but do not actually have a reservation for a berth until some berth becomes available through the cancellation of some other reserved ticket. RAC ticket holders can board the reserved coach for the overnight journey, but are only assured of reserved sitting accommodation on the seats at the side of the coach (not in the compartments). If no berths become available, two RAC ticket holders have to share the seats on the side without converting it to a berth by laying down the bunk over them. A third RAC ticket holder gets to use the upper side berth. The side berths are shorter than the berths in the main compartments."

    There you have it... hope that helps!

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