
I have Scoliosis, and I was just wondering if I saw a chiropractic would that help strighten It a lil?

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I have Scoliosis, and I was just wondering if I saw a chiropractic would that help strighten It a lil?




  1. i don't think it would and you have to be careful if you go to a chiropracter make sure its one who is really good because a chiropracter can sometimes hurt someone with a healthy back if there not a good one, i wouldn't recomend it there more for people whos bones are popped out of place they put them back, good luck

  2. If you have scoliosis and have insurance, suggest you see an orthopedic specialist with training in your diagnosis.

    He may want you to have an MRI,

    This will give you a base line from which changes in the future can be compared too.

    Chiropractic can help reduce muscle spasm, align vertebra and reduce pain, but straighten as in getting over it, no.

    So become educated to your condition, do not do agressive exercises,

    stay flexible and watch your weight, 10  additional pounds can create more pain, have a good mattress. People with bad backs should not go bare foot or wear flat surfaced shoes.

    Key with shoes is to go to a shoe specialist. the shoes may be expensive but they help if you work, the cost is worth it.

    You may want to contact  WWW.LAISERSPINEINSTITUTE.COM for further information.

    chiropractic over the long haul can agrevate you condition, especially if you develop arthritis.

  3. Scoiosis can improve structurally by about 50 percent with a couple months of good chiropractic care.

    But more imporantly your pain and tension will decrease dramatically.

    Plus you can get stretching exercises but the real thing that helps is the adjustment, hopefully a real one and not some hocus pocus nonsense.

  4. Could! Be careful! Some chiropractors are not trained in treating scoliosis and they can hurt you. A chiropractor can help but only if they give you a massage after. Not knowing how bad your back is try a massage first. It can help with the muscle issues.


  5. great idea!!  don't forget massage, yoga, and swimming.

  6. If you do show signs of scoliosis, your chiropractor can provide a variety of techniques to help your condition, including spinal adjustments to increase movement and biomechanical function, and advice on posture and exercise to help prevent further increase in the problem.

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