
I have Sec8.Five foster kids.How can i get my sec8 to move me into a bigger apartment.?

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I'm a wonderful person.I take care of foster kids.I wish i can have someone help me get a bigger apartment so i can get my kids more things like bikes and E.T.C.




  1. So you think you're a wonderful person, yet you want to use your housing allowance and foster children to get a bigger house?

  2. How are you able to foster children without having an adequate enough income to afford a larger home? I'm not trying to be rude but it seems odd they would allow you to care for children without proper income or housing.

    Good for you for being willing to open your heart and home to children in need but something just doesn't seem right.

  3. Talk to your social worker. Let them know the kids need more room. I believe there is a form and a waiting list.

  4. I agree that you should talk to your social worker -- or maybe even better the social worker for the kids.

    I'm confused about the "bikes and E.T.C." part. How will a bigger apartment help you get bikes? No idea what E.T.C. even is, but Section 8 housing allowance can't be used to get other stuff -- just for housing.

  5. good for you for taking in those children! Talk to your social worker and  the children's cyf caseworkers they should be able to help you. After that you should be able to get a bigger place for the kids. I have a friend that does this and the foster program your involved in with help with that you just need to talk to the right person so start asking!

    And forget what some of these people are saying about not being able to afford a big place. I don't think people understand that these kids are coming from homes where they are being abused physically mentally or sexually Having 5 foster kids is a full time job so i doubt you even have time to work. I grew up in foster care and group homes as a kid my parents were drug addicts my foster parents were the best thing that ever happened to me. I wonder where i would be right now if it wasn't for them probally not in college. Anyway you are doing a wonderful thing we need more people like you in the world

  6. If you have Section 8, you need to contact your worker and let her know about the extra people. YOu will have to go in and be re-certified so you can get housing with more room. Also if you are on Section 8 you qualify for Foodstamps and title 19, as well as some other programs. You should have a womens center or something like it where you live. Check with them. Good luck

  7. With 5 foster kids your foster care payments should be more than enough to be able to buy the kids all they need. Is that all you're living off of? If so how is that really helping them? Also how are you able to be licensed for 5 if your're in a small apt? In california we can only have 2 kids per room, and bio kids count as part of that equation.Also sec 8 has some of the same guidelines. BUT..Section 8 is not gonna consider the kids income unless you have adopted them. Until you adopt them, they are considered their OWN household & the $ you get for them is theirs, and is not counted toward your sec. 8. Good luck!

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