
I have Sun in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo, and Venus & Mars in Virgo. Am I screwed for life?

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I also have my astrologic opposite sign, Scorpio, as my Moon sign. Does this mean I'm totally conflicted emotionally and mentally? Am I ruled by my head one minute and ruled by my heart the next?

What do you reckon my personality is like without even meeting me, just based on these signs?




  1. You are a pain in the ***. You regulate your breathing and color-coordinate the clothes in your closet. No Virgo in history has ever belched. Virgos clean every square inch of everything they own twice daily with a toothbrush. Everything has its place, and yours is on the floor scrubbing with a magnifying glass, checking for germs. Obsessive-compulsive disorder? A nice euphemism for the word "Virgo". Virgos use pointers and elaborate charts to describe philosophical concepts. You commit a lot of drive-by shootings. When you are questioned, you tell the police that it was because "the b*****d had a filthy car". The police usually let you go because they are Virgos too. It is easy to freak out a Virgo. Tell them they have something between their teeth. Then watch them scrub frantically at the imaginary thing. Virgos are a h**l of a lot of fun for a******s like us. h**l for a Virgo is being locked up in an elevator for eternity with a naked Aquarius. That is because in h**l, Aquarians are allowed to bring beer, which they leave all over the floor. Virgos, however, have to surrender their brooms and squeegees to God. Virgos also have a hard time coping when they find out there's something under the fridge. But it's usually just a depressed Taurus. Virgos have read enough Hints from Heloise to know that the depressed Taurus can be coaxed out from under the fridge with a banana wine cooler. Virgos don't see the world in shades of black and white. They see it in shades of clean and dirty. Cat hair makes Virgos foam at the mouth. Virgos are cool because they will do your laundry for you. They'll separate everything by color and fabric until it consists of fourteen loads of three things apiece. Then they will put them in the washer in alphabetical order by name of manufacturer. Virgos are often found opening and shutting the refrigerator door, attempting to trick the light inside. Don't put cheese where it doesn't belong in a Virgo's refrigerator. He or she will go Jack Torrence on your ***. You will be stabbed with a cuticle pusher. Jack Torrence was probably a Virgo in the first half of "The Shining". After that, he went all Leo.

  2. I have Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Pisces and I've never considered myself screwed for life. It's all in your perspective. I have felt lucky to have all those Pisces abilities tied in with the Mars conjunction giving them energy.

    Look at what aspects these planets have to other planets, and learn what those aspects mean. I'm not sure what you mean by astrological 'opposite sign Scorpio'. Pisces is the opposite of Virgo. Scorpio is likely to be sextile to your Virgo planets.

    The bottom line is use what you have. Learn to work with it and be proud of it. In my humble opinion, any Virgo placement that a person has in a chart is a blessing. I have Saturn in Virgo and I've learned to heed its lessons because only good comes from it eventually.

    Your personality, astrologically speaking, is greatly defined by your Ascendant. You will need your time of birth to determine what that sign is.

  3. relax and no you're not screwed for life. try to follow common sense a little more. u kno, superstitious things happen only to superstitious ppl =)

  4. contact on

    he is very good astrologer.........he is help u

  5. Nope, not screwed for life...

    You are probably just very neat and like things to be clean, symmetrical, and in order.  :]

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