
I have a 1 year old when do you think she will learn to walk we let go of her she takes 1 or 2 steps then fall

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s so when do you think she is going to learn [very soon] i hope!!!! thanks for any answers




  1. I say, within a month with practices!


  2. She seams like she wants to walk on her own it will be very soon the hard part is having them let go of your fingers and your there.

  3. Once they learn to take a step or two, they just take off after that.  One day, she'll just start taking 4 steps alone, and then before you know it she'll be racing through the house (and you'll miss the days when she would stay still, lol)

  4. She'll get it, it just takes practice.  My kids walked between 14 - 15 months and my nephew didn't walk until he was almost 18 months.  I can assure you all three of them run around like champs now.  Kids all develop differently, she's trying to walk so she'll get it one of these days :)

  5. Don't stress over it... my son didn't walk until 14 months... he could get everywhere by crawling and climbing and didn't see the point.  Then one day he just started walking (no baby steps, falling and trying again, just walking).  

    Every child is different and will learn at their own pace.  Your child may be working on fine motor skills or talking right now instead.  It should happen within the next two months (10-14 months is the normal range), so just enjoy taking the cute baby steps and make sure she can't fall down the stairs or anywhere dangerous (the little falls from standing won't hurt her).  Congrats on making it through the first year!

  6. Was she premature at all?  I was 7 weeks premature and didn't walk until I was 16 months old.

    If she's taking one or two steps, then I wouldn't worry too much.  If she isn't walking by 18 months then you should address the issue with her pediatrician.  But as I recall my at my 13 month's old checkup, the litte milestone thing said he just needed to be taking a couple steps.. He's walking all over the place but every baby is different.

  7. Go buy one of those push along things.  After one day my little one was walking like a champ.  Make sure she does it on carpet though it goes a little slower.

  8. You know, my oldest walked when he was 12 months.  My youngest, who is 19 months now, still does not walk.  He is unable to sit up and talk.  He is disabled, for now, and will do whatever his body will let him do when his body lets him do it.  Your daughter is obviously learning and one day you will turn around and she will be walking to you by herself.

  9. Give her time. She will have to master crawling before she walks. As of for right now just keep her in the walker for balance, and after she starts running then allow her to do it on her on. Tempt her with things that she likes, and let her use the couch to hold on to while she is walking. That she help your little princess in no time. Also baby walking shoes is very good for balance and it also helps there back to become straight. I hope it works out for you. Let me know.

  10. Mine is 13 months and he just started, he was like 3 weeks taking steps and falling. But this last week he walked all by himself, so maybe 2 to 3 weeks but be patient because it could take longer till she  is not afraid anymore, in the meantime play both of you with her, by sitting with a little distance of each other and telling her to walk to the other one, and vice versa. Its a game for her and at the same time she practices walking. Good luck...

  11. Don't freat.  She might be right there.  My daughter did the same thing at 12 months, and she walked at 14 months.  My other daughter was 16 months!

  12. I know it's so exciting when they are taking their lst steps and you are so anxious for them to WALK - but trust me - in another 6 months you'll wish they were still crawling!!!! : )

    I mean that with the  utmost motherly love!

    But all children walk at different times.  A year is typical but I had one that walked at 9 months (yikes) which I wouldn't recommend....  

    If she is taking a few steps currently and then falling to her little bottom then it'll be days probably before she's off and running.  Don't ever compare her to other people's children though - as we all tend to do - she'll develope and grow and get teeth and talk and potty train in her own time when she is ready and everything will be normal, developed and she won't be in diapers or have a pacifier or bottle by the time she hits school either!! <little mother joke there!> HA...

    Enjoy her while she is sweet and little and loves you unconditionally!

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