
I have a 10 week old kitten and I was just wondering if anyone knew about worms if the parasite is a little ?

by  |  earlier

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black bug and craws really fast on fur or if it would be something else.




  1. Sounds like a flea. Get something like Frontline or Advantage from your vet. The over the counter products do not work as well.

    Also, cats can get tapeworms from eating an infected flea - you will see white rice-grain like worms in the poo.

  2. Sounds like a flea or possibly a tick (but most likely it's a flea).

    Either way you need to get some flea & tick preventative from your vet. DO NOT under any circumstances use anything you buy at the grocery store made by Hartz or Seargent's. These products have been shown to cause seizures and death in animals.

    To rid you kitten of this "bug" you can give her a bath using cat shampoo (don't use human shampoo or dog shampoo!) or you can use Dawn dish soap (in the original formula or lemon scented ONLY).

    Then apply the medicine the vet gives you.

    Fleas and ticks are bad for kittens as they can transmit disease and cause anemia. So get kitty to the vet for her shots and flea medicine as soon as you can!

  3. Worms are internal parasites.  If you're seeing something black, crawling around the outside of the kitten, it's probably a flea!  It's past time for your kitten to get it's first immunizations, so make an appointment, take it to the vet, and let the vet tell you what the "bug" is, and give you something to "take care" of it.

    Most over the counter (OTC) flea products are toxic to kittens, so let your vet decide what's best for yours.

    Good luck..........

  4. A small black bug is probably a flea. Have you started her Frontline treatments yet? That is a great flea preventer and flea removal medicine. Good luck!!!

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