
I have a 10 yr old sis that asked what is masterbating what should i tell her without lieing?

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  1. tell her thats something she should be asking  mom, not big brother, then its on moms shoulders and she can decide how much she wants sis to know.

  2. tell the truth, that everybody male /female do m********e sometimes.

  3. Your best off telling her the truth, but, find out where she heard it from first and what they actually said to her. She is young, but I remember when I was 10, I was very mature for my age. She will take it differentley depending on her maturity level. It's pointless lying to her because she might lose trust in you when she does find out the truth.

    I also reccomend you tell her not to tell everyone, because, she might have friends who will go home and tell there parents. That might mortify some parents knowing that!

  4. Don't lie, keep the info simple and to the point.  I would say it is self-pleasure by touching yourself

  5. Honesty is always the best way. Keep it simple, matter of fact and honest - you can't go wrong. If you react like its a big deal it will become one. Answer it in the same way you would answer any question.

  6. You really shouldnt answer that, your parents should.  Do you have parents you can talk to? If not, maybe a aunt/uncle or other adult you trust.  Depending on your age, this is not a converastion that you two should have.

  7. ask her where she heard about it and what they said...

    Then tell her that it is something completely natural that everyone does when they are learning about how their new adult bodies work... If you are in doubt, go to the local library and ask someone who works there to reccommend an age appropriate book for her.

    I remember when my sister asked me what a bl0wj0b was at age 10 (I was 17), we were on holiday and we were swimming in the sea... I told her, and I have never seen anyone so horrified!  Hehe!  At that age they are very much grossed out by all things sexual, you know the story, if mom and dad had two kids, they only 'did' it twice!

    On the upside - after that, she trusted me 100% with all of her questions because I never lied to her.

  8. I would tell her, But I said that you are too young to m********e, But you are old enough to KNOW about it.

  9. It depends how much she already knows. If you tell her that people m********e to relieve sexual urges or something like that, and she doesn't know what s*x is - you're going to be explaining a lot at once.

  10. just be like "well sometimes u get urges, like u know when u really want something?" shell be like "yeah" then be like ?"well this is a different kind of urge, u get a funny feeling below ur stomach and masturbating is satisfying it"

  11. Tell her to go talk to your parents.

  12. Why lie?  Tell her the truth, to the best of your knowledge.  The site below might be helpful.  It has info for teens, pre-teens and parents.

  13. if you are a female, then tell her the truth,

    if you are a male then get a female friend to explain it to her

    i have always told my girls the truth about everything they asked but some things are out of my remit so i pass them on to a female friend to answer for me.

    i'm not saying you shouldn't answer her, she's your sis, but i get too embarrassed by that stuff from little girls.

    it's just a case of differentiating between being big bruv and knowing where the line is, it's not an easy one.


  14. yeah right!! I smell a troll .

  15. tell her to forget about it. that's too young

  16. Tell her the truth.  She is asking you because she trusts in you to tell her the truth.  Be gentle and non judgmental.

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