
I have a 1000 dollar coin on webkinz,how do i spend it?

by Guest58785  |  earlier

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How do i spend my 1000 dollar coin?Can i put it into the thing right above the picture of my webkinz,if so,how?




  1. The only way to get your $1000 kinzcash is to sell it in he W-shop. You do ot put it in your bank above the Wekinz pet picture. You can spend the money anyway you like.

  2. This is what you do.

    1.Go to the W-Shop

    2.Click "Sell"

    3.Drag your $1000 Kinzcash coin into one of the sell spaces

    4.Click "Sell Items"

    5.You have now received your $1000 Kinzcash, you can spend it any way you like! Enjoy! =)

  3. go to the W-shop

    click on sell

    drag it on to a "square"  

    click sell


  4. These are fun to get! Go to the W Shop and click "sell" Sell the 1000 dollar coin and you automaticly get 1000 kinzcash! I hope you buy something real nice the money. Hope I helped!

    - Jen

  5. um i thought you just spend it or...ummmm goshhh i forgot but i do know you can only spend it on certain things

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