
I have a 10000 Italian lire note, how much would it be worth today?

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Yeah but I read that there is a law in Italy that allows for the old currency to be traded in for Euro's for 10 years after the initial conversion in 2002.




  1. Absolutely nothing. Italy uses the euro and all citizens were required to convert their currency several years ago.

  2. 1 €=1936, 27lire, so 10000lire are about 5€..Anyway, here there's an example:

    before the EURO, with the LIRA, if you went to a pizzeria you could eat: with 10000 lire

    pizza margherite (cheese and tomato) = 5000 lire

    fanta or coke= 2000 lire

    chips= 2000 lire

    ice cream= 1000 lire

    NOW, with 5€

    pizza margherita= 3€

    fanta or coke= 1,60 €

    NOTHING ELSE, because you have already spent 4,60€

  3. 10000 Italian lire would be worth 5.16 Euros today. Bank notes can be still exchanged at the Bank of Italy offices until February 29, 2012.

  4. almost 10 bucks

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