
I have a 12 ft inflatable raft and i would like to know what i need on the boat to make it legal?

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like what needs to be on it so if the coast guard checks i dont get in trouble




  1. Life jackets at first. Then it just depends on if you are planing to put some type of motor.

  2. Life vests for everyone on board.  Under 18 must have them on.

  3. life jackets for all on board. first aid kit . oars

  4. Here in Minnesota it would need to be registered and the license numbers would need to be displayed on the bow. You would also need one life jacket for each person on board. If you intend to be out at night it would need red/green on the bow, and a 360 degree stern light.

  5. Each state has different regulations regarding required equipment on a boat. You're best bet is to contact your local Parks + Recreation Department and get a pamphlet.

    Good luck and enjoy your boat.

  6. In California, you need USCG approved life jacket per person.  It's also a good idea to have a throwable.  

    If it is paddled or rowed:

    • you need a 360 degree white light at night

    • it does not need to be registered.

    If it is sailed or motored:  

    • you need cf numbers(registered) visible w/ registation sticker.

    • you should carry your registration i would use a ziplock or other waterproof bag.

    • you will need (at least) port and starboard and a 360 degree white for nighttime use.

    • a handheld vhf, flares, air horn, whistles are also good ideas.


  7. check with your local US Power Squadron or Coast Guard Auxiliary unit..they do boating safety and free off the record safety checks

  8. i think you need to register it with your county and get a license.  on my bf's inflatable he has registration number on the side and that's it.

  9. in Texas no aux power and less than 14' exempts you.  your area could be different

  10. Yes states do have specific requirements. There are federal requirements also. Getting a free VSC, vessel safety check by the local sail and power squadron or Coast Guard Auxiliary will tell you for sure what is required in your area.You do need a life jacket for everyone aboard(that fits) The inflatable ones need to be worn to be counted. Under 16 feet does not need  flares or lights. If you have a motor of any kind it needs to be registered.

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