
I have a 12ft.X3ft. pool i just baught and was wondering what the chlorine ,ph, alakalinty was suppose to be?

by Guest66566  |  earlier

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I have tested it and im not sure if i am right or not




  1. Your pool full should hold 2537 gallons of water.  Using liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, 12.5% to attain 1ppm add 2.83oz.

    Normal chlorine levels are 1-3ppm with max of 5.  Normal pH to maintain is 7.6 but sometimes hard to maintain.  Normal Total Alkalinity is 100-120.

    The pH will change as chemicals are added to your water.  Chlorine can be neutral, acid or base depending on what type used.  Bagged shock is not good since it contains a lot of calcium and raises the hardness of the water.  Conditioner,Stabilizer or Cyanuric Acid are all the same thing.  CYA protects the chlorine put in the pool, any chlorine type, typicall amounts are 30-50ppm and will double the life of your chlorine.

    Use liquid chlorine to achieve your residual, 1-3ppm, and a floating duck with trichlor tablets to maintain the residual.  Liquid chlorine can be used to shock or superchlorinate your pool.  To superchlorinate, add liquid chlorine to 10X the residual measured.  Do it when the sun is off the pool and it won't be used for 24 hours.  Check with test kit to verify CL levels before swimming.

    Total Alkalinity buffers the pH. Any change in pH affects the Alkalinity. To raise alkalinity use baking soda, but watch the pH.

    You're welcome!!

  2. I just got the same pool, Go to HTH Pool website and it will help with maintaining your chemicals

    PS answer my Q's;...

  3. Well, the ph is supposed to be between 7.2 and 7.6...chlorine im not quite sure, all i know is that i put in one 3 inch diameter chlorine selfdissolving tablet per week...for a slightly bigger pool....15ft round, 4 foot deep.

    idk about alkalinity either..sry

    what i did was i went to walmart and got a 50 test stip pack which test for 6 different things using the same strip. then u compare the color on the box. and it tells what is suppoed to be normal for each thing

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