
I have a 14mo. old brother & sister cat . The male cat keeps attacking the female w/o any provocation . Why ?

by  |  earlier

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They have a litter of 4mo. old kittens and are good parents when not together. But if they are together the male will attack the female for no apparent reason ! I hate keeping them seperated but don't know what else to do . Any advise please ?




  1. It is too late now, but you should be more careful when breeding or mating your cats, allowing brother and sister cats to procreate will result in some abnormalities with the kitties some apparent , some not. Nevertheless, have them neutered and spayed. Sorry didn't answer your question,  

  2. My 2 males attack the female without any good cause too.  I think they're just playing, altho they seem to be too rough with her.  Sometimes we get on to them and tell them NO! and sometimes we don't.

  3. The cats' mother is right. Neutering the male will fix this. And you should spay the female as well. It will lengthen their lives, helping her avoid female organ cancers and the male will stay out of fights. Usually there are vets that offer low cost spay/neuter surgery in a community, thankfully due to the massive amount of cats/kittens that must be destroyed every year, just because there are not enough human homes. If you can not afford the surgery, please check with a local humane society, often they provide help with the expense. Please do this soon, the male will impregnate the female in about another month, if he hasn't already. You can then look forward to more unwanted pets. Please don't ignore this situation.

  4. Get them spayed and neutered. This is a dominance issue that can

    be cured by neutering. Why did you bring more cats into the world when there are not enough people to care for the cats that are already here? Please be responsible and get your pets fixed.

  5. Maybe he doesn't like his baby momma.  She could be sending him signals that it isn't ok for him to knock her up anymore.  It would probably be a good idea to get them fixed.

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