
I have a 15yr son but he is academically weak . although i made him to repeated the class but no change.?

by  |  earlier

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The comments which are put by teachers are: he lacks dedication in his studies, he is noty &playful. I have made him to repeat senior 2 but no change. He is an opharn the father died when he is in primary two I was left with two boys . Now this term the teacher told me that he has started the 'boy girl' relationship (sexualy active) pse advise.




  1. put him next to you or on you lap which ever then go to my site. my son the under achiever and over achiever depends on how you look at it has past away. many young people who look at my site say they are inspired.they also have many friends but don't realize it. several messages for you 2 to scroll to and thru open to the public but to make comment must have myspace account and link up.Look first if you want too. May the wind always be at your back and may HE clear the path before you.

  2. Tough one but forcing him will only make him rebel further.

  3. First of all, like the others have said, your son is not an orphan.  He obviously has a caring mother that loves her son enough to post this question to begin with.  Does this school have a guidance counselor?  Did he ever get any counseling after his father died?  He probably has a lot of bottled-up emotions.  Also, make sure he knows that you have enough love for him as a mother and a father.  He needs to know that you love him unconditionally.

    I'm not sure what you meant when you say your son is naughty.  If you mean he is off-task in class, try to work out a reward system that works for both of you.  Stay in frequent contact with all his teachers.  Let him know that you will find out if he misbehaves in ANY class that day.  If he does, take away his privledges.  Make sure he studies and does his homework every night.  Help and support him as much as possible.  If he does well an entire day at school, reward him with something he likes such as a few dollars, extra tv time, time with his friends (supervised), etc.  Eventually, you will be able to reward him on a weekly basis instead of a daily basis.  

    Having a girlfriend is normal at 15.  Let him know the consequences of being sexually active.  You may want to monitor him more closely.  At 15 he probably shouldn't be given the opportunity to be alone with a girl, especially long enough for him to be sexually active.  As he gets older though, you will just have to trust that you have taught him to make good choices.

    Good luck to you and your son!

  4. A child who is having learning problems does not need 'more of the same' (repeating the class)

    but they need something DIFFERENT to help them learn.

    If a child can't pass a class the first time, why do you think they will pass it a 2nd time? The teacher will not do anything different.

    Maybe he needs help thru the special education dept at the school?

  5. First of all he is not an orphan if you are alive.  You mean you are a single parent.  If he is not academic and is not interested in studying there is nothing you can do.  Its hard when you want the best for your children and you are dealing with something that is outwith your control.  Just love him no matter what.

  6. An orphan is someone who has lost both parents , and clearly as you are still around he is not an orphan

    You will have to face the fact that some people are just not academically adept , but can more than make up for this in other ways . Therefore they can earn a good living and contribute to society , so long as you are able to discover just what talents he may have

    The lack of a father figure may be an issue , so if you have someone like your brother or other male relative who can mentor him this may start to point him in the right direction

    Unfortunately many 15year olds are sexually active , it is not legal but it is also difficult to stop as you not be around 24 hours of each day , and you do have to show some trust

    You really need to talk to him about his life now , and what he is looking to do in the future . If you can rope in some family help so much the better

    It is not going to be easy , but the alternative is just to let things go on as they are which clearly is not what you want .

    Try and make your discussions / advice non dictatorial as this can lead to confrontation and that won't help either

    You know your son better than anyone and hopefully you can find a way to approach him positively but with under4standing

    I wish you luck

  7. At 15 his behaviour is fairly normal, and he may need to talk to a councillor about how he felt when his daddy died, it would have been a very hard time for him

    It may also have made him feel bad that he has had to repeat his senior year

    I'm not saying it not difficult for you, but as the grown up, you have cover all angles

    He may or may not be like this with or without his father

    If you ask him the right questions, you may get the answers you need

    All the best

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