
I have a 16 ft jon boat and a 2001 mercury 15 ml engine is there anyway to put steering on this boat?

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I looked online and couldnt find to much maybe someone else can.Thanks

Also if so where can i find the steering kit complete.Thanks again




  1. yes, you can install a stick steering assembly that mounts up around the left of the front seat area. It works like  a push lawnmower throttle. It connects to your motor and steers the boat by pushing forward and pulling back for left and right direction, it is very convienient, especially if you have electric start up front. It saves walking back and forth. I have no idea what the price today is, but several years ago they were around 150.00. They also come in different lengths, depending on the length of your boat. Most any outboard dealer and or repair shop can order you one, and put it on if you like. My only concern is that your 15 might not be enough motor, unless you have already ran it, and tried it out. Also up front stick steering will help you plane off quicker, because of the weight up front. You can google up "stick steering" and find out more. good luck.

  2. Yes. You can purchase steering components at the website below.

  3. through experience with smaller horsepower motors i would not put steering on a engine this small its just not enough motor to really mess with a stering system.

  4. If the mercury has steering hook up & shift & throtlle hook up you can install steering> Have to make a side mount binincal for the helm & control box most push pull steering will work>

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