
I have a 16 year old son that I want to spend time with, what can I do?

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I am a mom, a cool mom, and my 16 year old son has just moved back with me after living with Dad for the first two years of high school. He seems bored when he is with me, which I know is probably normal, but what can I do with him that might be fun for him and a bonding experience. He doesn't like going to the movies.




  1. You guys should eat out together or do a project together.  Eating out allows for face to face conversation where you might once again find that bond with your son.  A project will also bring you together because you have to work as a team to finish it.  Just remember to give your son his space when he needs it, otherwise, he might just shut down and not try to bond at all because it will feel forced and unnatural.

  2. if he likes video games, play with him. take him to his activities. be careful not to smother him

  3. The simplest way is really just to ask! Most parents don't understand that. Just don't be too "in his face" about it.

  4. My mom just sits down with us while were watching t.v or she'll come in our room and we'll just talk. About everything and nothing. Just ask him if he wants to go somewhere. Ooo maybe a rode trip. Somewhere close but you guys could still bond.

    Hope you guys find your way with each other :]

  5. Does he play Sports? Be his BIGGEST Son Erick is 14 1/2, he Wrestles and plays Football and has for the last 6 years, he can't stand it if I miss a Practice or a Game...he relies on me to Critque his Matches in Wrestling and his Plays in Football...learn all you can about anything that interests him, whether it be Stamp Collecting or Football, talk to him about theses things, show him you are interested in his life...there is nothing like being close to your kids, especially your teenagers! ~~Aloha and Best of Luck~~Michelle~~

  6. well my boyfriend is 16 and him and his mom get along pretty well

    she doesnt really try to get into his life too much unitl its needed

    he actually will come to her with problems he needs help with

    just try to let him know he can talk to you

    and dont mess it up by freaking on him or accuse him of things your not sure of

    she gives him his freedom too,

    and she lets him cuss

    it actually makes a big difference

    i even want her as my mom


  7. try letting him play w/ your panties he will bond real quick  

  8. take him to concerts go driving let him drive down the country roads that's what my son and i do or you can just ask him what he likes to do

  9. talk too him ask him what might he want too do

  10. i like camping with my mom but being a teenager i  don't think he will tell you he is having fun all the time, just some times.

    Calling yourself a cool mom must freak your son out it would freak me out if my mom told my friends she was a cool mom, reminds me of that mom from the movie "mean girls". you should try going to a sports game.  

  11. Smoke marijuana with him.. might sound dumb but i know it will work.

  12. go to a nice restaurant for lunch

  13. try here:

  14. If he likes thrills....go to an amusement park or take him to a sporting event.

    If he likes a challenge....go to an arcade and play video games or air hockey or go bowling.

    If he likes activity...go for walks, kick a socker ball around, play catch, go putt putt golfing or swimming.

    If he likes music...go for a ride in the car a listen to HIS music and keep it down low and talk to him.

    If he likes art, see if there is a local studio where you can paint your own pottery.

    If he likes board games, try the game Imaginiff (yes I DID spell that correctly)...It's a game that will allow you and he to get to know one another again.

    If he likes writing, write a story or a poem together.

    If he likes making movies (we know he doesn't like watching them) agree to act in a movie that he directs

    If he likes causing trouble but not getting in trouble, have a water gun or water balloon fight

    If he likes cooking, find a teen friendly recipe and make it is usually a winner.

  15. lol@ Leafmusic

    anyway i think you should take him to a mall or something... and wear a disguise...

    im not like this but most teens dont like being caught with there parents...

    please answer my question!;...

  16. Watch TV.  

  17. Not knowing your son that would be hard to answer. If he likes sports, get him a ticket to his favorite sports team. Of course you will be holding the other right next to his seat. Besides that, talk to his dad. He has been around him for the last two years, maybe he will have a clue.

  18. bond with him, and then go deeper

    ask him what he would like to do, take him out for a nice meal, take him on a little vacation

  19. do some of the things you likes to do when you were a teenager but more his style take him to a concert or movies dinner if hes into playing an instrument buy him one get him involved in something fun like sports - skateboarding -football - baseball etc.

  20. teenagers just don't dig hanging out with their parents, it's not that he has anything against you...

  21. He's 16 years old. It's doesn't matter how cool you think your are...he can't and won't see you that way. Be a good consistant and supportive parent and realize that this will eventually be appreciated when he outgrows the 'adults all suck' stage he's inevitably going through.

  22. Find things that would be interesting to him  

  23. pshh i wish my mom would hang out with me im 19 still at home we fight alot and all i want to do is hang out with her . but then again im never home cause we dont hang out .

    16 huh see what he likes to do take him to lunch or something but never a movie ha cause i know when i was 16 i never wanted to go to the movies with my parents .. take him more with you maybe when you go to the docs , any little things you can find to where he has to go with you


  24. You're a "cool" mom. He might not think so ;)

    The thing is, being a teenager myself, he probably would rather spend his time hanging out with his friends or vegetating on the sofa playing xbox or something.

    If you try talking to him and all you get from him is "Mmm... Uh huh. Nah"., leave him be. He obvioulsy isn't in the mood. Let him come to you! Offer to buy him little things. No, don't bribe him, but it'll make him see that you aren't the enemy, and it'll also put him in a good mood, which will allow an opportunity for you to talk about silly, fun, lighthearted things. He'll soon see that he enjoys talking to you, and will want to do so willingly.  

  25. Eat dinner together.  Even if he's not coming home until eleven at night, wait for him and just hang out and eat with him and tell him about interesting things in your life.  Maybe he'll talk about his.  Maybe it will take a while before he does.  But it's cool if you make dinner your thing.

    Then make sure you expect things of him.  Even if they're just small things.  Give him some responsibilities with the house, and try to work alongside him.  It gives you a common purpose and automatically links you to him if you're both trying to accomplish the same thing.

    Give him trust and space, but expect things of him.  If you set a high standard and then believe in him without pressuring him, he'll look up to you and respect you.

    Be careful not to just try to be his buddy, though.  Be a parent.  He has plenty of buddies, but he only has one mother.

  26. A 'cool mom' is okay, just know to be his mother first, then his friend.  And as a 16 year old boy, probably the most important things to him are his friends.  If you try to spend too much time with him, he may feel smothered and withdraw from you.  

    Also, i dont know what the situation with you, him, and his father is.  But this is probably a big change for a teenager so good comunication with him is key because he may be under stress. If he's had to change high schools to live with you, that may also be a big deal to him.

    Right now give him space and time to adjust.   Then find out what his interests are.  If he likes sports, take him to a game.  If he likes music, take him to a show.  There's always the beach, fishing, biking, eating out, etc.  Good luck, i guess!

  27. I had the problem where my mom would try to do stuff with me, but she wasn't good at the thing, so it became more of a burden, like playing a video game with her and having to explain everything in the game to her and she wasn't good at the game so she just became a hinderance at me trying to play.  You could go to a sports game if he likes baseball or soccer. Or go camping if he has an interest in that or plan a hike/picnic.

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