
I have a 16 yr old that refuses to come home. What are my options?

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I have a 16 yr old that refuses to come home. What are my options?




  1. call the police and not give her a choice.

  2. Here in Australia, you wouldn't be able to do anything. Under 16 then police would get involved. All you can do is try and talk some sense into him/her. Things will become hard, they he/she will be back!

  3. Go home or stay where you are.

  4. Ask them what their problem is and why they won't come home and then if you get them to go home get some family counciling  

  5. You could do the extreme...let him/her know that they have a time limit to come get their things...and I mean EVERYTHING...or you will do one of 3 things.

    1) Throw it all out either in the trash or just on the lawn waiting for them to come pick it up.

    2) Have a yard sale and sell everything.

    3) Give EVERYTHING to charity.

    You should let them know that anything in their room, since they left, is considered abandoned and, because you are the parent, you can do with it as you wish. So, if there's something in there that you bought for your child, and you want it for yourself, then take it. What are they going to do? the cops? It's not going to work in their favor to be making that call!

    If you're child is staying at another friend's house, make sure you let him/her know that you will be calling the school to inform them of the new address of your child.

    Get a lawyer and have your child emancipated. Talk about a rude awakening! It's gonna suck to be responsible for yourself...financially, emotionally, 16.

    It's called reality and your child needs to understand you're not going to play their little games.

  6. 1 Call the cops

    #2 Figure out how it got to the point a 16 yr old is telling you how things will be

    #3 Seriously consider a home for troubled kids-there are pros there who can deal with this better

    #4 Hope and pray they don't do anything too stupid before the cops get them

  7. Why is he/she refusing to come home? What is life like at home?I would need more information before I could give you an opinion or advice.

  8. None, s/he is an adult

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