
I have a 16yr old girlfriend who wants to get out of her house how can she do so legally ??

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She is being miss treated over there. She gets called a ***** daily and her mother leaves marks on her body. She is wanting to die. Is there any loop hole in Idaho that she can move out and live with me ??




  1. No, she can’t live with you.

    Idaho has no emancipation statute (not all states do), which means there is no legal process in place through which a minor can petition for emancipation.

    She can report the abuse.  The state will investigate and if they determine that the claim  has merit and the situation calls for it, they will remove her from the home and she will be placed in the custody of the state.  Then the state will decide where she lives, which will not be with you.

  2. First off notify a counselor or a teacher at school that she is being physically abused.  They will remover her immediately.

    She can also become emancipated.  Each state has different laws which require different things for emancipation.

    This has different emancipation resources that will help you become emancipated (Emancipation is like divorcing your parents so you can control your own life).

    Good Luck!

  3. Tell someone!

    She can try to get emancipated, but if it can not be proven that she is abused it may be difficult.

    My parents abused me and when I left at 16, I went to a home for teens and told them. THey called my mother in and tried to council us. Of course my mother lied and they wouldn't help me as they thought I was some lying teen just trying to run away.

    If there is a home that she can live in with people or that will support her and take care of her til she's 18 that would be the best bet.

    Her parents could put her in as a runaway with the police but most of the time if the child is 16 the police won't track them down, nor will they MAKE them go back home.  

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