
I have a 17 foot boat in Oregon. Do I have to ensure it like a car or is it optional to have insurance? Thx.

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I do recreational boating in oregon with my 17 foot boat that I purchased last year and I need to know if I have to have it insured with liability (or any other kind) insurance. Anyone know the oregon law on this?




  1. Don't know the law. However, why would you want to run around without liability? Props can do damage, especially to the human body, you need the liability.

  2. very intereting question.Suggest you have a look here for useful tips.

  3. Since boats are more susceptible to damage and accidents than cars, Insurance is a good idea to protect your investment.  Also if someone is injured in your boat by accident or due to inadvertent negligence it would be comforting to know you won't lose your butt if sued.  

    I recommend it strongly.  It may be cheaper to include it with house hold insurance.

    Good Luck and Safe Boating!!

  4. i know in nj the car covers it but buy it anyway it isn't that expensive

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