
I have a 1879 $4.00 STLLA COIN . How much is it worth

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I have a 1879 $4.00 STLLA COIN . How much is it worth




  1. It depends on the condition ... but in short, a lot!

    That is if the coin is genuine.

    In EF the coin is worth over $50,000. In proof, over $75,000.

  2. One just does not find a gold Stella there has not been any more found in a long time. It is most likely a copy for there are a good number around. It will have to be authenticated anyway. A proof -63 sold for 414,000 in a May 2007 auction. When the coin is authenticated and graded then a starting price can be made, but up to that point no value is available.

  3. over $600.00

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