
I have a 1957 Johnson Javalin 35 horsepower outboard motor, what is the OIL & GAS mixture ratio for it ?

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I have a 1957 Johnson Javalin 35 horsepower outboard motor, what is the OIL & GAS mixture ratio for it ?




  1. my jet ski blows you out of the water!

  2. 50/50

  3. go to

  4. you would mix 1 ounce  of oil to  gallon of gas.

  5. 1 pint of oil to 6 gal of gas is correct

  6. ???

  7. should say on engine

  8. I am not 100% sure but i think it is 4 oz. per gallon

  9. You motor boating SOB. You did it didn't you?

  10. I one that said 50/50 wronge It 50/1

  11. Oil and gas ratio should be 50/50 on a 1957 Johnson Javalin 35 hp outboard.  100% positive.

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