
I have a 1966 Ford F-500 truck that the brake booster has gone out on and I need a diagram to show me how to -

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get it out of the truck.

If someone could just give me a website to help me that would be wonderful.




  1. Ya got two nuts holding the master cylinder on, 9/16 wrench, slide it off the studs gently, the brake lines are flexible but you don't want to break them. there is one 3/8 rubber hose going to the booster, pull it off, open door, lie on your back on the floor with flashlight, needlenose pliers, and a socket wrench with 6" extention and deep well 9/16 socket, take needle nose and pull retaining clip from pin on brake pedal, push pin out, then take socket wrench and remove the 4 nuts holding booster on, pull it off, get new one and reverse process. If done like I stated there is no need to bleed brakes.

  2. Most sites will make you pay for that information. All you need to do is unbolt the master cylinder move it aside, becarefull not to brake the lines, go inside and unhook the brake pedal, there should be a pin that has some sort of locking device on it. in most cases there is 4 nuts that have to be removed from inside the truck. after that it should come out easely. just becarefull putting to not picnh any wires or lines putting the new one back in.

  3. Get a repair manual. If you can`t figure out how to remove a couple of bolts in a truck that has that much room to work in . You are in over your head.  

  4. nothing really to it remove master two lines and four bolts and it will pretty much fall off remove vac hose pretty much how it looks takes about a good hour.... and you well need to bleed your brakes after you get done  

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