
I have a 1971 Nova front disk rear drum new master and booster?

by  |  earlier

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when I bought the car it had a new master cylinder and booster put on

I was driven one day and the front breaks seem to be applying and they stopped me and I got it back home after a few hours

and pondered for a few days and then I bleed out the breaks and it had some air I couldn't get the back ones to bleed out I got fluid to the drivers side once and then nothing and the front still sticking so I'm going to try new master cylinder just in case the other one is faulty is there any other thing it might be let me know




  1. you need to bench bleed the master cylinders before you install them or they wont work right and wont give off good pressure when yo use the brakes,try that it may be what happened to the first master cylinder,good luck.

  2. All of these are good answers, but you also have to bleed the brakes in the right order. Start at the farthest one from the master cylinder-the right (passenger) rear, then the left rear, then the right front, then the left front. When bleeding brakes alone, I wedge a wood dowel in between the brake pedal and the front of the drivers seat to hold the pedal down while I open the bleeder s***w. The pedal has to be down to force the air out if you didn't already know that.

    Good luck.

  3. make sure you bench bleed the MC...that may not have been done initially.

    Good luck!

  4. bench bleed it on the car. if that doesnt work get a new master cylinder not a rebuilt one. if it still does it after that change the proportion valve

  5. keep bleeding them. sounds like a air pocket in the lines, preventing the fluid from coming through.

  6. your rear wheel cylinders are prob. out (this cylinder applies pressure to your shoes at back brakes) is there grime oil/dirt on back side wheel hub? prob leaking brake fluid at rear wheel cylinder. easy to change, just do one side at a time so you have ref, let me know if questions, I can walk u through

  7. Sounds like your proportioning valve is whacked out. If you can get it to happen again, crack open your front caliper bleeders, and I'll bet they s*****e all over with no pedal pressure.

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