
I have a 1987 boat with a 4 Cly and the batteries keeps dieing?

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The motor is a ford motor I/O there are 2 wires a little thicker than the ignition wires that the owner befor me had tied up with fish line there towards the stern of the boat and the motor. I asked him about it and he said that thats what the problem. I can't figure out what the wires are and where they go to. If the wire isn't supported then the motor dies but even with it tied up the battery only lastes about 8 or 9 hours I have tried to look up a diagram for the motor and cant find a thing.




  1. is your bilge pump runing?  check charge rate when engine runs 14 .5 volts for 12 volt system after the 8 or 9 hrs where is volt meter ? if you can not find end of wires then disconnect  and find out what does not work  when you dock the only thing on should be bilge pump when you trailer turn off batt swiitch  and every thin should be off for docking pump should be on but batt sw off should have 2 batt and sw 1 2  all  off  boat run in all  docked sw in 1 or 2 not all  trailered off

  2. Go to West Marine Store, or and look for the manual for your year engine.  They have it  and the wiring diagram is in it.    I think you need to test the alternator and or look for a short.  Check the Battery Switch.  Make sure all connections are clean at the batery posts.  Make sure both batteries are fully charged to start with.  Charge them overnight.  If more than 2 years old replace them.  Good Luck.

  3. what stern drive do you have and what colors are wires I have diagrams for most of those

  4. It seems you have a short...check the entire run of those 2 wires front to back. say the batteries last 8-9 hours if the wire connection is okay? That implies that the alternator is okay...however....possibly you are only getting an intermittent charge. Gotta check those wires.

    Also...disconnect the Batteries and test them. They may have gotten tired from continuous undercharging and need to be replaced.

    Good luck.

  5. does the engine have a alternator, if not, 8 or 9 hours is good

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