
I have a 1988 ford tempo. runs good till it reaches running temp.

by  |  earlier

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At running temp. car dies and wont start until it cools off, then it runs fine til it heats back up and it dies again. What could be the cause? I changed the coil.The water circulates good.




  1. Mmm .... air temperature sensor maybe? Or even Lambda sensor ... altho with Lambda sensor I'd expect you'd have a performance issue now and again. If the exhaust gases smell too strong, like unburnt fuel then that could be an indication of a Lambda problem.

    Good luck!!

  2. the thermostat could be sticking or the fan doesn't turn on when it should P.Sif u run it too hot you'll mess up the heads and after that you'll break the block then ur S.O. L.

  3. coolant temperature switch

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