
I have a 1990 Honda Accord 5 speed with 124,000 and it's acting up?

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A couple of days ago my speedometer went out registering my speed at 0 mph. Also, when I shift to neutral, the rpm rev at 100 and the car shakes like if it's about to shut off (today as I was coming off a highway ramp I shifted to neutral and breaked and the engine,oil, and battery lights came on, my wheel locked and I shifted to third gear and gave it gas and the car jolted and came back to normal) What's going on with my car? Oil change isn't due for another 1,000 miles




  1. You probably need a tune up. It sounds like it isn't getting enough gas. I would say its the O2 sensor. The reason all of the lights came on is because the car died. The jolt was from when the transmission was engaged with the motor, this restarted the car (popping the clutch).

  2. I'm betting dirty aicv... its on the back of your intake manifold, take it off ( two hoses, 2 bolts, and a connector) spray carb cleaner in it until no more dirty fluid comes out... put it back on and it should be fine

    normal tell tale signs

    rough idle

    jumpy idle

    idle high when car is hot

    bouncing idle in neutral

    as for the speedo, mine is doing the same thing, I'll get back to you on that

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