
I have a 1994 infiniti g 20 t when i come to a stop sign and try and take off it stalls on me whats wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I have to put it in park and turn it on again so i could go..




  1. Try  THis is a relatively rare car so it may be hard to find a unique answer.  What is your rpm when stopped and in gear? If it is running low (500-600 rpm), the pull away may load it down too much.

    Tune-up, injector cleaner, new air filter all will help.  I doubt highly if it has anything to do with the fuel filter.  Filter clogging usually shows itself at high rpm by choking off the gas you need to run at the higher rpms.

  2. fuel line?  

  3. Older car.   Ever replaced the fuel filter?     Ever run injector cleaner through a tank of gas?    Do you use top tier gas like Quick Trip?

    People neglect their fuel filters way too often and they get plugged up.  Injectors get fouled after as little as 10,000 miles if they get a load of bad gas.    Top tier gas has cleaners in them even the cheap regular gas at places like Quick Trip has fuel additives to keep your engine cleaner.   Off brand no name gas stations buy the cheapest gas they can get, they let their underground tanks run low and that creates condensation in them which is water they sell to you for the same price as gas.  QT backs up their gas.    Buy a can of Sea Foam and put in a full tank and drive it down.   You'll be surprised how much better the car will idle and run.  (plus better gas mileage to boot).   Get the fuel filter changed as well.   The car will run smoother and you won't stall in traffic.

    Good luck



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