
I have a 1994 pontiac with trouble idling...

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Hello everyone, i have a Pontiac Sunbird 1994 that sometimes has trouble idling when i come to a stop, while the transmission is in drive. what i have to do is put the car in park, re start the car, rev the engine a little bit, and shift to drive really fast then it goes. does anyone know what this problem is and if its an expensive fix? please help, thank you




  1. It could be many things but I fixed that same situation a few days ago with new spark plugs, and now it runs smoothly.  Also, you could replace wires and a coil if necessary.  Fuel filters and plugged catalytic converters are also common culprits, but I think it is electrical or ignition.

  2. I have spent 23 of my 28 years on this earth working on cars to be able to answer this question.

    I go to bed every night with a sore shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. All of which the doctor says is from wrenching on cars.

    Sometimes the pain is soo great I have to take 3 tyelonal pms just to go to sleep at night and never mind the fact I have 2 kids 1 2yrs old and 1 4 yrs old. Or that my family all moved away for different reasons and my city has no jobs and im laid off.

    The question you are asking here is so general and so plain that it is an insult to any MECHANIC.

    No offense to you sir but you are no MECHANIC!

    You have not the slightest working knowedge of what you doing to your car! Or how to fix it!

    You come on here in 2.3 seconds and ask a quick question looking for a quick fix.

    Your not asking a specific question about your electric fan temp sensor sw coming on and off at a certain time even though you already have a mechanical fan.

    You want me to give you all my years worth of expierance and I do mean expierance.  Listening to one bank or side of an engine like gone in 60 seconds. Or feeling the throttle as you rev an engine into the mid rpm range. This is not from going to school when I was five years old. This is from mom always being sick and dad always being at work and me being the second oldest of six kids trying to help out as I was failing out of school all the time because I am a mechanical thinker not a book worm and school is set up for book worms!

    You go to school and they put you in LD classes because you think mechanically instead of remembering everything you learned. I can only remember it if I understand how it works. Problem is stuff like math you can't understand it because most of it is mans theory!

    So I can tell you how to fix your car.

    I can even fix it for you.

    But at the end of the day. I can't even pay my bills because not even the Toms tire has work because you get on here and ask questions like this!

    Do you want to see pictures of my 2 kids and their hungry mouths?

    First think I can tell you is ... your killing your car!

    Second thing I can tell you is find a good mech a friend!

    Be a tru friend to this person!

    Listen to them and forgive them they are just like you!

    Kiss his butt and make him dinner....................

    so when he goes to use that right arm at night to put his kids to sleep that food you made him while he was working on your car will help that right arm put those babies to bed.

    You need to find a friend who is a mech a real mech not just a jacka$$ with a college degree anyone can do that. but a guy who has been down the hard road!

    This guy will be a good friend to you and take better care of you and your family and there cars than any guy you pay top dollar to!

  3. I agree with babyherc1 ive spent 10 years working on hot engines getting burned by pipes, getting wet from snow cover cars. It is a vague question.

    Take it to a reputable repair shop and have them give you an estimate.

  4. Go really fast like 70 on the freeway and then put it in reverse and crank the starter and that should fix the problem

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