
I have a 1month old that eats every 1 1/2 to 2hours and drinks breast milk and fourmula.?

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I was wondering if i should put rice cereal in his bottle at 1 month.




  1. Hello!

    Great question, after having 3 of my own, I noticed the voracious appetite of an infant at that age too....

    And just so you know, it is completely normal! My children ate that often too. To answer your question, there is no need to put cereal in the baby's diet. They are not ready for it.  Baby will get enough with your mommy's milk and the formula.

    If you are wanting to build your breast milk supply however, I would stay more away from the formula. If not it is great they are getting those immunity builders now from your breastmilk...

    Now is the time also, that your supply is getting built up. so if you feel like you cannot satisfy the baby, because he wants to eat so often, feed him/her at these intervals as your body is producing milk to satisfy the babys needs and will adjust as your baby goes through growth spurts.. usually it may take a few days ....oh, with my son I think we introduced cereal to him at 4mos... because he was so hungry..

    Congratulations !  Mine newest addition is 5mos now.

  2. I would wait. Your baby isn't ready for anything else yet. It can cause him/her to get constipated.

  3. Not a good idea, because it can cause an upset to your baby's delicate digestive system. Moreover, it is also a choking hazard to have solids of ANY kind in his bottle at this age.

    It is perfectly normal for your little one to eat this often at this age. Baby is growing and need all that milk. Why fill it up with rice cereal when you can get some extra calories in? Breastmilk and formula are made just for babies and have all the nutrition they need at this point.Trust me, it gets better. My boy, now 2 months old, was eating every hour when he was born. at the beginning of his 2nd month, he started to eat every 2-4 hours. My hubby and I are ecstatic if we get 4 hrs of uninterrupted sleep.

    Its hard, I know. But be patient, you will get there. Its worth every moment.

  4. my son ate as much as your was at one point, he is going through a growth spurt. i doubt rice cereal is good, he obviously NEEDS the calories so dont deprive him/her. you are doing fine. my son got through the stage he is 5 months and even sleeping the night very nicely!

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