
I have a 2 1/2 paint sorrel geldling who is extremely bulcky huge mucles what age should i break him at?

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if you have read my question you should know what im asking i have grown up on a ranch my whole life (15 now) we dont start to break our horses until around 2 1/2 to 3 or 3 1/2. but this is my horse and im extremely strict as to what training goes on with my horse he has good ground work done with him but i dont want to break him to early or ride him to early. explaining that the knee joints dosent fuse together until around maybe 5 or 6 maybe later than that depends on the type of horse. my paint comes from nice blood lines he has huge huge mucles bigger than our stallion twice the size of that he is maybe around 14 hands or 15 hands not really sure. but i have heard that the taller and larger in bulk the horse, slower the maturation which makes me wonder what age i should break him at? our saddle weighs around 23 pounds i run barrels and i no that the horse must be strong to run around barrels. again my question is what age should i break him around 3 1/2 or 4 or sooner than that?




  1. You're 15, and I bet you do lots of things that are physical and athletic.  Your joints aren't fused completely, either.

    Your horse at 2 1/2 is also a teenager, and quite capable of doing similarly athletic things.

    I wouldn't barrel race him until he's had at least a year of training under saddle.  Starting straight on barrels can be confusing - go go go go go no stop stop stop ....  better to teach him he's got gears and how to shift them!

    I'd start gently breaking him to saddle now.  Don't overwork him, but just like with humans horses are better off taught early and properly exercised early.

  2. I'd go on a head and start breaking him. It sounds like he may be halter horse breed or cow horse possibly? But just don't do an excessive amount of work on him. I have a 3 year old who was broke when he was 2, the most riding I've done was 3 hours twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening for a camp. But he was given more hay and feed to make up for the lost calories. Just remember that you may have to give this horse a bit of supplements

  3. I would wait until he is 3 ,, his bulk is good But wait until the bones catch up with his body

    Good question !!

    good luck

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