
I have a 2 1/2 year old that can potty but doesn't. And I have 8 diapers left. And no money for about a month.

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What should I do? Already went to food shelves and all that? How to make her go?




  1. Keep your toddler in a non-carpeted area, naked or in clothes without diapers.  She/he will have a lot of accidents, but will figure it out within a week.  Put him/her in diapers at night and when you need a rest, but other than that - let her mess herself and she'll figure out that the potty is a good thing.

  2. Encourage him to go by using warm water.  Be consistent.  Take him every 2 hours whether he wants to or not.  NO need to be mean about it, but just take him and tell him to go.  Once he wets the undies a few times and sees how uncomfortable that is he will learn pretty quickly.

  3. If they refuse, don't put diapers on them.

    Don't clean up their mess.

    By walking through it they wil soon learn.

    Either that or strap them to the potty.

  4. I set a kitchen timer for 30 minutes and make her go. If she doesn't the timer gets reset for another 15 until she does. Also save the diapers and give her some freedom around the house it will encourage her to go on the potty not on the floor. Plus if she has to help clean any messes it will make her go on the potty faster. Some little kids feel they are going to miss something if they have to stop playing or if going potty interrupts their TV time. If that's the case it might help to put the potty seat in a room with the TV or bring a toy in while trying to go, read a favorite book to her while she is sitting there or something. Just an idea to try.

  5. Don't push too hard, or you will end up with a 4 year old unwilling to use the potty! Encourage her when she uses the potty, give her a sad face when she doesn't. Don't go beyond that.

    Borrow some money for diapers. lol. Or fold up and use some old towels if you are desperate! Worked in the old days.

    When you do get some diapers again, make sure they are ones she can feel the wetness in. It will encourage her to use the potty if she feels the ickiness when she doesn't. At 2 1/2 there is no reason to rush this process.

  6. if I were you, id ask to borrow money and buy diapers. 20.00 for 104 of them. U can rush a child and make her go.

  7. well i have a similar problem i got a 3 year old that refuses to use the potty...there ARE always places u can go to get help for diapers but if u dont want to the best thing is this...dont use the diapers unless they are sleeping or leaving the house...while your home let them not use a diaper and tell them they need to use the potty...put them on it and make them sit...if they wet themselves bring themback and tell them they are supposed to use the potty and have them sit...really not letting them use a diaper they will start getting tired of wetting them selves and they will slowly learn, saying that they will be potty trained by the time the 8 diapers are up is a bit much but thats the best advice i can give 2 u

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