
I have a 2.3 GPA. I need money for school, and I don't have a valuable cosigner what can I do to get loans.

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Plus the FAFSA doesn't help any it saids my parents can afford my tution which they can't they can barely pay the bills on time, so what can I do to get money for school if I don't have a valuable cosigner or FAFSA won't help me out. What other options is there?




  1. If you are thinking about getting a loan, then you should know about the basics before you get started. If you understand the basic dos and don’ts of loans, then you will be better equipped to find the best loan for your needs. Whatever type of loan you are applying for, you should follow these basic rules to help you find the best deal. When searching for a loan, it pays to do your research. Look for as many suitable lenders as you can, so that you can find the very best deal. There are many online pages that<!--allow you to compare loan rates from a variety of lenders. As well as looking online, check out your high street banks and mortgage lenders for deals too. You may find the loan that you need here,

    If possible, try and avoid taking out secured loans. If the amount you need to borrow is small or you have good enough credit to borrow without collateral, then do so. Although unsecured loans have higher rates, they are less risky because your home will not be at risk if you cannot make the payments.Try and take a loan out over the shortest period-->you can afford. Taking loans out over 10 years or more can be risky, and you cannot be sure what your financial situation will be at that time.

  2. have an aunt thats broke let you use her address.then tell her to sign you up for fafsa. it should work.

  3. 1. make better grades!!!

    2. research all kinds of scholarships - there are tons out there - and apply for everything!  There's even scholarships for left-handed people.  Trust me there are tons out there!!!

    3. Look for scholarships offered through the individual college associated wiithin your major.

    Last semester my college had to extend the deadline for accepting applications for scholarships they were offering because not enough people applied.  So apply regardless.  You never know, you might win by default.  

    But seriously, bring yor grades up!!!  A lot of times they want to see grades like 3.0 or better.  At least a 2.5!!!

  4. Okay kiddo, fill out the FAFSA and go to the Financial Aid office of the college you're planning on attending.  There, they will guide you w/different loans that are subsidized (you have 6 months after you gradute from college to pay them back.)  So contact your financial aid advisor k?

  5. Spend 2 years at a community college where it's far cheaper than a 4 yr school (remember you can always transfer when you finish or when you can afford to), go to school part time if you have to.  Get a part time job to help pay college bills.

  6. i know of an option that has probably never been used and maybe never will be....

    usually you have to depend on your parents financial status when applying for loans and pell grants

    that is UP TO A CERTAIN AGE

    i dont remember what it is but I imagine it is around 24 years old

    if you can find a way to convince them that you absolutely get no assistance from your parents.. that you don't contact them.. that you want nothing to do with them.. that you don't even want them near you.. who knows... im not condoning lying.. im just demonstrating a weird method of trying to work around the whole parents issue you are experiencing

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