
I have a 2 & 3 year they need shots or something to cross into mexico?

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and all i have is birth passports...i already dont think its a good idea cuz no passports but some people need to hear it too...i remember hearing something awhile back about them needing a shot or something before going to another i? or is it only for babies?




  1. Your children do not need any special shots or immunizarions to travel to Mexico.  They should be current on the normal vaccinations given to children in the U.S.  If you are driving to Mexico, passports are not needed until next year.  If you are flying to Mexico, all of you MUST have a passport or proof of application for a passport to fly to Mexico.  If you plan to take the children to Mexico WITHOUT  their other parent, you MUST have a letter for each child from the other parent, giving permission for you to take them to Mexico.  

    The letter must be signed  by the other parent and notarized.  See first website below for info on the parental permission letter and the 2nd website for info on applying for passports ...if you need them.

  2. The US center for disease control (CDC) says that before traveling to Mexico your kids should have all of their routine vaccinations (like chickenpox, measles/mumps/rubella, diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus) etc. up to date.  They also recommend that children have the Hepatitis A vaccine (my 2 year old just got his first dose of that at the 2 yr checkup) and Hepatitis B (that is usually given them to the hospital at birth, but you should check), as well as typhoid,  rabies and malaria if you are going to some of the less frequently visited Mexican states along the Guatamala and Belize borders, or parts of Sonora, Chihuahua and Durango.  There are also some places in Nayarit, Oaxaca and Sinaloa where malaria is present.  For more information you can visit the CDC web page I am posting below in my sources.

    As far as bringing kids is concerned, I am going to re-post an answer that I gave last night for a different question, because it definitely applies to your situation too.  I hope that you find it helpful, and if you have any more questions please feel free to email me.  

    Paperwork for traveling in Mexico with kids:

    Because Mexico is a major destination for international child abductions, there are a lot of rules in place for parents traveling with kids. If you will be taking your children in alone, without their other parent/guardian, you will be asked at the border (possibly both coming and going) to show proof that the children have both parents' authorization to travel. You may be asked to present documents proving that you have sole legal responsibility for the children, or a notarized letter from the other parent authorizing the children to travel outside of the U.S.

    In terms of driving, you will need valid U.S. photo ID (such as a Driver's License) and a certified copy of your birth certificate (they don't accept copies). Starting next year, you will probably also need passports for everyone in the car (including your kids). You will also need to carry Mexican auto insurance because your U.S. insurance does not cover Mexico (at least not usually - you should call to check). It is mandatory under Mexican law to have Mexican car insurance, and if you are pulled over or in an accident without it, you can end up in serious trouble - especially since people are presumed guilty until proven innocent with their legal system. Your car could be impounded on the spot, etc.

    But before I freak you out, there are a ton of companies online and at the border that can offer you good insurance for a very decent price, and speaking from experience (we were rear-ended once in Mexico) it is very easy to work with the insurance companies as long as you report your claim while you are still in Mexico. So we were covered, and it was no more of a hassle than any minor car accident would be in the U.S. (We use never had a problem.)

    It sounds like you are more concerned about taking your kids into Mexico than you should be. Mexico is a very civilized, family oriented country - all Mexican people I have ever met love children and are very kind to them. In fact, my husband and I have noticed that since we had our kids and started traveling with them, we get more hospitable treatment than ever when we are in Baja or mainland Mex. Just keep your kids with you at all times like you would in any country you visited with them, and I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time with no problems.

    Take care and good luck!

  3. My sister just crossed the border last week with her 4 kids and all she had was their birth certificates and they didnt give her any problem. She has done that many times with no problem!

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