
I have a 2.6 gpa undergrad 3.0 grad school can i become officer?

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I have made up my mind to join the navy even though I will be going in as an E3. However, given that I finished BS with 2.8 and grad (MBA)with 3.2, I am not certain if I stand a chance at OCS. With this in mind, I am considering just joing the reserves untill I have completed Law School and maybe submit my package for JAG. Would the Navy even promote me then;even if I bussed my but and excell in A school and other areas as well? If there are any informed military personnel out there; I would like for someone to give some advice. I would be greatful. Thanks




  1. If you gain a bachelor's degree you have the minimum qualifications to apply for a commission. Your GPA is but one small factor. Of greater concern is evidence of potential leadership characteristics. That would be any leadership positions held in campus activities which might balance off your GPA.

    From personal experience, I once served with a Marine Corps officer who was the best running back in the history of his college's football team. He once turned in a report of investigation to me which he had authored. He misspelled  "Marine Corps" several times in the report.  

  2. GPA is tied to your major.  If you had a 2.8 in EE that carries more weight than a 3.8 in Elementary Education.  Frankly your Grad GPA is a little low: but the fact you've got a Masters is a plus for an OCS application.  If your degree is in a technical subject, that's also a plus for you.

    Why don't you submit your package and find out? If you don't make it you can always enlist later.

  3. I think you should shop around and put in OCS packages to several branches. Yes, your GPA is a bit low. But having a Masters is going to help! I know you can get a commission in the Army (assuming if you are clear medically and have no law problems.) The Army really needs good officers. Also try the Marine Corps because you could be serving on a ship as an officer!

    Set up appointments with a different recruiter from each service branch. Both Navy and Marine Corps have different recruiters for officers than enlisted. Be completely honest with each recruiter that you are checking out every OCS program. I know, for example, that the boards for Air Force and Coast Guard are not as frequent as Navy and Army, which have OCS boards every month. Get all the information then make a decision. Enlisting in the Navy is still going to be an option next month after you have met and discussed OCS as a possible option.

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