
I have a 2 highlight around the frame of my face should I get them all over?

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I have brown hair and the highlights are carmel color. Some on in high school please help me I am in 7th grade and dont no what to do.




  1. get em all over...i think it looks ridiculous with just the two by the face. do some maroonish colored ones. my friend got carmel colored and maroonish colored highlights and they looked good.

  2. yeah deffiently.

    im going to 12th grade (so im in highschool)

    and all over highlights are deffiently the way to go.

    although the face framing highlights are cute, they

    are not as popular anymore. so deffiently go

    with all over highlights!

  3. i had a halo color. frame around the front of the head ear to ear,and cut short in the back

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