I recently bought 3 house geckos, and were all very healthy. However 2 weeks ago i found 1 had passed away and the other wasnt using its leg and gone pale and white. 2 were fighting, the 1 that has now died and the other with the leg he wont use, i think its because of the mating season and leg gecko and the other not mentioned are a couple, and they saw the dead 1 as a threat, and presumed a big fight accured for one 2 die. But 2 weeks down the line and merry ( the gecko with the injured leg) still wont use his leg to hold on 2 glass etc, so im guessing it hurts, i was wonderin if anyone has any ideas how 2 make him more comfortable or help to heal it, they have cricket powder on there crickets as instructed on the tub, but just cricket powder isnt working. Please take this question seriously, i have waited along time to persuade my parents 2 let me have lizards, now one has died im worried the other two will follow, its playin on my mind alot. Thanks for your help.