
I have a 2 mile fun run tomorrow. What are some tips to help me run...?

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I have a hard time running long distances.I get extreme latic acid build up in my calves.

any suggestions?




  1. just drink LOTS of water and dont go too fast

  2. Breathe in through your nose and out your mouth (do not breathe in, it burns your mouth after a while) and keep at a good pace, dont sprint because it will tire you.

    also, dont walk for a long period of time, because it will cramp up your muscles and dont drink a lot of water before, it will slow you down.

    just relax and dont think of how long it really is!

  3. first of all DON'T breathe in your nose and out your mouth, that is an urban legend it doesn't help at all. breathe through your mouth because that gives you the most oxygen in the shortest amount of time. to run efficiently you need to settle into a comfortable pace that is not easy, but you can maintain through most of the run. stay focused and don't think about how far the whole run is but how far you have left to go. for example when i am half-way through a 2 mile race i think "i only have to run a mile now" and each successive time i just have to run less, which seems to help me.

  4. stick behind someone thats close to your speed and run a nice pace  dont walk though!!!!

    try your best really

  5. maintain a good breathing method

  6. make sure you've stretched well before you run and just take it easy i mean if you're not worried about time then go slow and keep a steady pace, also before you run your main race do some short sprints before you start it will help warm your muscles up. also when you're breathing, breathe in through your nose and out threw the mouth. i hope this helps

  7. If your a runer DONT STOP!!!

  8. Dont start off too fast.

    start at a nice pace and following through

    uhm.. try your best for as long as u can not to breathe thro ur mouth b.c it  hurts

    go little distance by little distance take it little at a time

    maybe at a certain spot u can have some many seconds, to walk or slow down to breathe

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