
I have a 2 week old baby, I need some advice!!!?

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This is my first baby and being a first time mom is really frustrating at times, so experienced mothers help me please. My baby really doesn't eat as much as i would like for her to eat. Right now she is drinking 2 ounces every 2 hours and she don't even drink the whole 2 ounces most of the time, are there any tips on how to keep baby awake for feedings. Most of the time she will drink one ounce and then I'll burp her and she goes straight to sleep, how can I wake baby up for her feedings,so she can sleep a little bit longer.Thank you for your help mothers!!!




  1. i would say she is not not hungry but  at this age it is hard to keep them awake.  with our premmie twins we had to not hold them in a cradling position, we had to feed them every 4 hr instead of every 3 hrs.  hope this helps

  2. try to wake her up for feed, and see how she goes and if you think shes not drinking enough go to the doctors because that does not seem a lot for her, and all depends on how small she is, remember babys get thirsty as well so boil water wait for it to cool down and give her tiny bit of water, go to doctos if your worried or even just phone them for advice there be there to help.. good luck

  3. If you think she isn't getting enough to eat, after she burps change her diaper exposing her will wake her even if the diaper doesn't need to be changed just open it take it off put it back on her and feed her the rest. If that doesn't work try running your fingers down her back tickling her r even on her feet.

    Hope that helps

  4. The little ones usually will only eat 1 and a half to 2 oz every two hours. It is normal for the baby to fall asleep during feedings because it is exhausting. To wake her up try tapping on the bottoms of his feet, twist the nipple in his mouth and slowly pull it out a little bit, this will usually wake them up. If that doesn't work sit them up then put the bottle back in her mouth. If she is at least eating 1 oz every two hours and on her check ups is still gaining weight, I wouldn't be concerned. Just don't force feed her, she will eat when she is hungry. Hope this helps!

  5. It's a difficult feat to accomplish at that age first off and she's is probably getting plenty to eat. I always just kind of wiggled the bottle about in their mouths (entice the sucking reaction) to keep them eating (even if sleeping) or jiggled them about to wake them up a bit. Eating is a tiring thing at that age, so just make due trying to keep her going. It'll get easier and she'll begin eating more as the weeks continue. Good luck.

  6. My 2 week old does the same thing, gets kinda sleepy after that first ounce. Then other times she eats the 2 ounces and still wants more. I'm guessing this is normal. I didn't think she was eating enough until I sawe that you were experiencing the same thing. Best of luck to you!!  

  7. Yep...she sounds like a typical 2 week old baby.  She'll let you know if she's still hungry...but you can't force her to eat more.

  8. Well you should be nursing the baby and that usually eliminates a lot of drama.

    why would you wake the baby up to feed her? let her sleep

    Babies know how when they are full, its usually the mothers that ruin that instinct.

  9. she'll wake up when she's hungry. Don't worry she'll definitely let you know. At that age, babies sleep and eat in small increments like that. But as she gets bigger, she'll be able to hold more food and be able to go have more time between feedings. However, you can't force her awake or force her to eat. Her body knows just how much food/ or sleep it needs. Let her tell you.

  10. Well in my opinion I think she is eating enough. If she was hungry she'd eat more. I don't know how many ounces my son ate at that age becasue I breastfed but it seemed like he only nursed for a few seconds and would fall asleep. I"m sure her tummy is probably tiny right now and as she starts to grow you'll notice her intake will be more and more. Don't worry momma! Congrats!

  11. believe me babes when she is hungry,she will let u know....don't worry its normal,and don't wake her if she sleeps,just leaver her,when she wants to eat she Will let u know

  12. She will eat only what she wants. They have very tiny stomachs and cant hold much. She wont sleep longer that is what new babies are about., sleep , eat and poo . LOL Give it some time it will get better

  13. 2 ounces every 2 hours is normal.  You can't force her to eat more.  You can't (and shouldn't) force her to eat if she's not hungry.

  14. Sounds very normal. Babies very greatly in amount they eat, how long they sleep and how long they stay awake.  Best thing is to not force her to eat, feed her when she wants and let her wake up/sleep when she wants.  You'll have a happy baby letting her keep her own schedule!  Maybe not the happiest parents waking up at the wee hours but slowly, she will sleep longer during the night and stay awake longer during the day :)  

  15. she is normal. they fall asleep when they eat and there isnt anything you can do. and 1-2 ounces every 2 hours is very normal for a 2 week old.  

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