
I have a 2 year old. Sitter is insisting we pay her for a week we are on vacation. Fair?

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Also, other issues. My son repeatedly comes home with various boo boos (Not abuse, but knee scrapes, bonked head, etc.) and her explanation is that he runs away from her and won't come back when she calls. To me, she should be in control of him, since he is a 30 lb. 2 year-old and she is an adult. She constantly runs the road with him, taking him everywhere. While this is nice, I feel it invites the opportunity for him to be caught in an accident, etc. 1 or even 2 times a week is cool, but every day? I'm talking about driving 30-40 miles at rush hour, not just going to the park. She keeps coming up with different reasons why she cannot watch him at certain times and days. Her youngest child is freshman in college, and she drives him everywhere. Therefore, I have to bend to her demands and drop him off later than agreed, or pick him up earlier. She is constantly leaving to take her kids or grandkids somewhere, and leaving him with her husband, who is not a licensed sitter and also falls asleep while watching my son. I also pulled into her driveway today and nearly hit my son, who was running unattended in the yard. She was inside, and her husband was working on a bicycle 20 feet away with his back to my kid. Not to mention that she lives in a part of town that has traditionally been a ice neighborhood, but has recently sported a growing crime rate, and a lot of unsavory individuals. I think that she should be terminated, and the money she has already been paid in advance should be refunded. This is my first kid, and I'm not entirely sure what to do. Any input?




  1. No, I wouldn't pay her for work she didn't do unless that was agreed to when you started using her.

    I'd find someone else, however given that she wants you to pay for time you're not using her (while on vacation), then I wouldn't hold your breath on getting money back from her. As such, I'd just keep using her until the money you've paid her "runs out". Then I'd be on my way.

  2. HA! That's gotta be a joke right? she want's pay for you being on vacation (assuming you won't be needing her services then), How rude, but more so that she isn't even taking proper care of your son. Sorry I would fire her A$$ pronto, find someone else before something does happen and your son really gets hurt because she can't be bothered doing her job properly. Seriously it might be a hassle to you to find someone else, but this is your son - your flesh and blood, his health and safety comes first and this stupid women is clearly not doing that.

    Definitely fire her butt, might as well forget about any money you've already paid her in advance, doubt she'll give it back. if she can't be responsible to look after your child properly what makes you think she'll do the decent thing and return the advanced monies.

  3. Do as I did. I went to my old High School and talked to the principal and asked him if he could recommend a good babysitter. He did and called me back and now I have a great sitter and she works for free. She is using it as volunteer hours for college.  

  4. Just leave. Period. Your child's not safe--are you honestly deciding what to do? Cut your losses and realize you got what you paid for--an unqualified sitter. Find a sitter who is certified and leave your child with him/her. That's a safer alternative, and make sure to set up a contracted agreement with pay in mind. Consider the lesson learned--you lost some money, but she's losing her income.  

  5. I would quit my job before leaving my baby with her.  

  6. I wouldnt. I would get a new sitter. She leaves him with someone else, lets him run around unsupervised. She isnt responsible enough to take care of a 2 year old. I wouldnt leave her with a 10 year old! How far in advance has she been paid? If its only a couple days i'd eat it and tell her its severance. Get your child out of there!

  7. If she has a standing sitting appointment with you then yes you should pay her. A daycare would insist that you pay them too. If your kidd is coming home bruised, get a new sitter, but are you sure its not like normal kid wear and tear?

  8. Tell her your concerns and if she will not change then tell her that this is not working out. Why did you pay so far ahead for child care anyway. A week a head for a private sitter is plenty. Tell her that since she will not be watching  your son will you are on Vacation you Will Not pay her anything seeing as she will not be working for you. Honestly I would just terminate it just sounds like she doesn't care very much about your child's safety and that is something you should not have to put up with.  

  9. Just drop  the sitter if youve already paid her for work shes already done just leave it also it isnt fair to not pay her even if she is a crappy sitter.h

  10. Take care of your own kid. Duh!

  11. I would find a different sitter or a daycare, she leave your kid with her husband?-NO, that is not acceptable.

  12. Drop the babysitter. I am a babysitter. 16 years old and more responsible then that. I tend to the kid while the parents are not away. I feel like i don't even take my eye off of the kids when i am babysitting, i may be preparing there food, and i will still have them in my sight at all times. And i take whatever they will pay me, and i only get paid if i am babysitting. I don't babysit everyday. But i do a lot of night babysitting too. And even though they tell me i can sleep on the couch, cause they won't be back until the morning, i really sleep during the day (i don't babysit on school days, at least not at night) and stay up all night. That should not be happening. And i know you care about the kid. And cause you care ditch the babysitter, and find one a lot more responsible, any babysitter that is like that should not be a babysitter. I don't care what anyone says. Don't pay her while you are on vacation, shes not babysitting then, and this is not a job that you get paid even when you are working. Your child can get hurt from being unsupervised. Find someone that cares about your kid the same as you do. Hope i helped, and good luck =)

  13. I would let her have the money just to break it off easier.  I would definetly terminate her shes doing a job which you are paying her for and yet she still demands to be able to go about her own buisness.  That would be fine if she wasnt having to take your child with her.  If she cant spend the time to take care of him she shouldnt take the job.  

    Just because the baby is with her and is clean doesnt mean shes doing a good job.

  14. With all due respect, why the heck are you leaving your baby with her?  She sounds totally irresponsible.  No good babysitter pawns her charge off on someone else, especially someone who isn't qualified, while she does other things.  Find a new babysitter ASAP!

  15. Does she babysit other kids too?  Maybe her reasoning about the pay is that it is to hold his spot and she doesn't realize she's about to be fired.  (You are going to fire her, right???)

  16. I was going to ask- have other options? I would definately look into finding someone else, maybe osmeone seeming more responsible and fair! I think it's rediculous to even have the nerve to ask for pay when she isn't being of service, and after the first time of leaving your little one with someone else while she is being payed to watch him, that would have been the end of it for me! Who knows what else goes on that you're not aware of? Good luck, hope you can find someone a little better- I mean c'mon, it's ONLY your childs well-being at stake... =]

  17. I think in your heart you already know what you have to do, otherwise you wouldn't asking this question. You sound really concerned and YOU ARE right to be concerned! This babysitter sounds like she is doing her thing and tell you something else. DROP HER. Who knows what she might be doing to your son. And I wouldn't pay her when you are on vacation. What the heck is that about?!? I think you need to set her straight and fire her.  

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