
I have a 2 year old that a familily member is considering adopting, what do we do?

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I have a 2 year old that a familily member is considering adopting, what do we do?




  1. honestly, i would not give my child out for adoption. If you already had the child for 2 years why are you even considering it?  A child is a gift from GOD. I think it  would be hard for you to let go of this child. I hope everything works for the best. Just listen to your heart. There is no better person than a MOTHER.  How would you feel if it would of happend to you?  Consider it and think it through. My best wishes for you and your child.

  2. Really, what are the circumstances here? Are you a bad parent?

  3. is that family member able to by force because if thats true talk them out of it

  4. Depends on why a family member is adopting your child.  If it is better for the child then it is a good thing.  Just go to a lawyer and do everything legally.  Be prepared though that you will be giving up your parental rights to the child which may be difficult since you will like;y see him if he is being raised by a family member.  You will no longer have a say in his life or be part of any decisions regarding him.

  5. Go & get advice from citizens advice.Good Luck

  6. I would just keep him/her..

    Not to be personal, but if it's your kid and you've already had them for 2 years, why wouldn't you just keep them?

    It would be really devistating to him/her someday to discover that you gave them up after keeping them for 2 years. It's one thing to put a baby up for adoption...but I think it's kinda diffrent with a toddler.

  7. omndayz!! dont give it up for adoption are you crazy!!!??!!!

    if  you love it keep it...i would mother can live without its needs your love..

  8. We need more info.  How old are you?  Why after raising your child for 2 years are you willing to give her up to a family member?  Are you comfortable with someone else raising your child?  Will your child be better off with someone else (better cared for)?

  9. You go to a lawyer, and they will work it out for you.

    You'll have to go to the state and give up your parental rights, and they will finalize the adoption.

    A lawyer will help with all that sort of thing.

  10. You really need to add some details. What is the situation. Is the 2 year old a ward of the state? Are you an unfit parent on what grounds do they have to adopt this child?


  12. First, be certain this is what you want to do.  Once it is done, everything will change and changing your mind may involve a nasty family fight.

    Second, each of you should retain a lawyer.

    Third, you need to work out the 'terms' of the adoption.  

       - Will you have contact with the child?  

       - What will you be called?

       - What will you tell the child when they ask the tough questions?

       - Will you contribute financially to the child's care and education?

       - etc

    You and the adoptive family don't want to go into this with different ideas about what this adoption 'is'.  You should each make up a list of questions and issues and work out exactly what each of you believes and your responsibilities.

  13. Your family member is very smart! Just go to an orphanage ad find a wonderful kid. That family member will have a the best time of her life with that child!

  14. get a lawyer and do it all up and up. take care.

  15. think about it

  16. You both go to a good lawyer and begin the proceedings.  

    Good luck and God Bless.

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