
I have a 2 yr old daughter and I would like to start potty training.?

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I have 2 other daughters that are now 11 and 9. Back when I potty trained them it was so easy. They practially did it on their own. I do not know where to start with my two year old daughter. She just does not seem to have any interest. I know to wait until she is ready but how can I nudge it along.




  1. I did two different things to help my daughter and it made it so much easier, first I took her to the store and let her pick out a toy that she really wanted, then we put it on the top of the potty and I told her that when she used the potty 3 times she could have it, this way she had something to work for.  The second thing was I took off her diaper and let her run around (inside) in just a dress, when she needed to go she would ask for a diaper and I would put her on the potty instead, I know some kids will just pee where they are and I got lucky with a kid that wouldnt, you could try this it might work for you as well.  Good luck, also, another tip that I read about, give the little one lots of water, juice and milk and ever half an hour put her on the potty, the more she drinks the more she will have to go, if she uses it reward her with some of her favorate juice, this way she's happy and it will help her keep going in the right direction!

  2. Look for a potty book. We just found one for my 20 month old at wal-mart, it's elmo and one of those books with the sounds, so it flushes and whatnot, lol.

    Also, get her a potty chair if you haven't already, and start sitting her on there when you go potty, before and after baths, etc.

    Buy her big girl underwear and put it on under the diaper, so she can start feeling when she's wet. Don't bother with pull ups because to toddlers, they are just another diaper with pretty designs, not an incentive at all.

    Keep putting her on the potty, eventually you'll have the timing down  and when she goes, do a potty party, maybe have some small toys ready and waiting in a cupboard for when she does.

    If she gives the signals- hiding in the corner or grunting and squatting when pooing, go quickly and put her on the potty chair, and distract her. She'll relax and go. I've actually had my daughter poo in the potty before she peed there, lol.

    Good luck!  

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